Saturday, April 28, 2012

Size Charts

Size Charts

6 mo16” shoulder to hem
12 mo18”
18 mo20”

Girls’ Bubbles:
3 mo14.5” shoulder to stride
6 mo16”
12 mo17”
18 mo18.5”
24 mo20”

Boys’ Bubbles:
3 m014.5” shoulder to stride
6 mo16”
9 mo17”
12 mo17.7”
18 mo19”

Boys’ John John:
Length shoulder to hemLength shoulder to stridewidth across middle
6 mo17.3”16”11.4”
12 mo19”17”12.2”
18 mo20”18”13”

Boys’ Shorts Set:

Button Back Top
2T16.5” shoulder to hem12.2” across chest

Dress Shorts
2T10.5” waist to hem16” waistband circumference (unstretched)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

On a Serious Note...

Did you know that April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month?  As some of you are aware, in my other life I am a therapist.  A specialty in my practice, the bulk of my professional experience, and quite frankly my passion and mission in my life, is the treatment of survivors of childhood sexual abuse, both children and adults.  The deep and far-reaching effects of any abuse on an individual, but particularly that of a sexual nature, continues to shake me to the core on a regular basis, even after years of hearing the worst of the worst.  Even as I believe our society is moving toward a greater awareness of both the prevalence and effects of sexual abuse, both are still minimized.  It is certainly something we do not LIKE to think about, but as long as it is continuing to occur, we must face that it is a reality of our world--a reality we cannot afford to ignore.  Our children are at stake.

I am a big supporter of the organization Darkness to Light.  Have you heard of them?  They are based here in Charleston, but have been rather successful the last few years in gaining attention at a national and even international level.  There are many organizations aimed at increasing awareness and working to help treat and prevent childhood abuse, and I am grateful that there are.  I support Darkness to Light in particular for many reasons.  First of all, they are committed to bringing "to light" and giving due attention to a problem that people do not want to talk about, would rather keep secret and in the dark.  The organization's philosophy is that increasing attention and awareness to the problem is the best route to diminishing it.  Second, they charge us all to be keepers of our children and responsible for helping ensure their safety.  I am a believer in the "it takes a village" mindset and that we are all as adults responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of all the children around us, not just that of our own.

The mission of Darkness to Light is to inform, inform, inform.  But not just to provide resources that people can access--they are committed to in-the-trenches measures to spread the word and educate caretakers (be they teachers, parents, neighbors, coaches, etc.) about the traumatic effects of childhood sexual abuse as well as, and most importantly, how to be keen observers and aware of signs and situations to be alert to in order to keep our children protected.  The chief ongoing mission of Darkness to Light is the training of individuals in a community who then train other groups throughout our communities, schools, churches, youth groups, sports organizations, and any other situations where adults may come in contact with children on a regular basis...who then train others in their communities (both informally and potentially formally), and so on.

So, on that note, I will be donating a portion of every purchase from The Smockling throughout the month of April to Darkness to Light and their ongoing efforts to educate us all and eradicate childhood sexual abuse.  This will include any orders that have already been placed this month!!

Please visit their website, and I encourage you to "Join the Movement."  No financial obligation is required.

Furthermore, please take the time to watch the video on the website, Childhood Stories Documentary

It is so moving and eye-opening. Beware, it is powerful, real, and the victims do not mince word about the specifics of their abuse. However, if you choose not to watch it because you don't think you can handle that, just think about how that child felt who HAD to handle it actually happening to them, usually repeatedly.

Thank you for indulging me.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Golden Egg

My children--and in fact our whole family--tend toward the attitude of "Go big, or go home" when it comes to Easter egg hunts.  The number of eggs stuffed and hidden for these events has been obscene at times.  Last year, my dear husband donned an Easter bunny constume and probably nearly fainted from being in that thing, all to entertain our kids and their cousins (and because his sister made him--ha!). Typically, there is not just one egg hunt, either.  We will re-hide and hunt eggs for days or even weeks after Easter.  In fact, a few years ago we instituted a new family tradition of the Turkey Egg Hunt on Thanksgiving Day.  I must credit this incarnation to my sister-in-law as well, and it is nothing short of brilliant.  A way to keep the kiddos busy and entertained while preparing and waiting for Thanksgiving dinner, and the perfect way to use up leftover Halloween candy!  We have even added the activity of decorating a paper bag for collecting your eggs (Thanksgiving stickers, turkey hand-prints and the like) prior to the Great Turkey Egg Hunt.

Of course, every proper egg hunt requires an elusive Golden Egg (or usually several in our case to assure more smiles than tears).  I think we all remember the allure of  the golden egg at an Easter egg hunt.  My boys insisted yesterday that no golden eggs went into the stash for their class Easter egg hunts, lest they up the odds of them NOT taking home the golden egg for keeps.  Wiley little devils, those two.  I am again in charge of the egg hunt(s) for our family Easter celebrations this weekend, so I need your input! We have girls and boys, and ages of the "hunters" range from three to seven.

So here's a contest for you:

What's the best thing you ever found inside the Golden Egg as a child?  What's the best thing you ever put inside for your children?  What was the biggest hit?  I am curious about your creativity and your children's interests, not so much extravagance.  Of course, four first class round-trip tickets to Orlando is a pretty great egg-stuffer, but not in my budget these days.  My biggest hit to date for Golden Egg stuffers was a few neon stretchy rubber lizards when my oldest son and nephew were around three and four.

I will choose up to three best answers, who will each receive a $10 credit to The Smockling! 


-You must "Like" The Smockling to win.  If you have already "Liked" The Smockling, you're good!

-You have until after 8:00pm EST on Saturday, April 7, to submit your entries/comments here on the blog.

-Only comments under this blog post will be counted as entries. 

-Feel free to share with friends and family and invite them to participate!  Remember, our referral credit program is still ongoing.  Anyone who comments on the wall that you sent them will count toward your 10 referrals for a $10 credit!  No purchase necessary.  You are eligible for as many credits as you can get! 

So get to thinking!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

...about to hatch!!!

Easter is upon us, the weather is warm, and the flowers abloom.  The bluebirds have returned to my Mama's backyard to nest, and my boys are closely tracking their progress.  Did you know that they lay one egg a day?  About three weeks later, the babies emerge--one each day.  Oh, the anticipation my kiddos have for each little egg and each tiny hatchling.

We know that feeling of anticipation over here at The Smockling.  That mix of excitement and impatience!  We have revealed a few tidbits so far, but we are anxiously awaiting the next samples and the first round of actual products ready to ship over the next weeks!  We will soon be able to offer you much more...The Smockling is almost ready to fully hatch!

Here is the next appropriate :)

and a closer view of the birds' nest smocking...

I am in love this little Bird's Nest Dress.  Pure sweetness.  There will be a bubble and john john as well.  Helloooo springtime!

Happy egg hunting to all your little Smocklings this week!!
